Top Hazardous Materials You Cannot Place Into a Skip Bin

Household rubbish management has become easier today, thanks to the numerous waste removal companies that provide skip bins and dispose of the waste appropriately. This convenient service is usually affordable and efficient, so you won't be disappointed if you work with a reputable provider in your area.

However, there are careful considerations you need to keep in mind. You cannot just toss any form of waste into the skip bin. If you do, you'll make disposal work stressful and get fined. Here are examples of hazardous materials you cannot place into a skip bin.


Placing your old or damaged tyres into a skip bin is prohibited by all waste removal companies because they cannot be disposed of easily. The best way to deal with old tyres is to repurpose them. For instance, you can paint and use them as plant pots.

You can also choose to donate them to any tyre collection community in your locality because they know how to put them to good use. Often, they recycle the tyres to make rubber floors for playgrounds. If there isn't a tyre collection centre in your community, you should consider talking to a car service company. Most of them will allow you to bring the tyres at a fee. Changing your tyres at a service company will also get the burden off your shoulders.


If you have asbestos materials, perhaps after demolition or renovation, you should consider handling them responsibly since the waste can't be placed into skips. To make matters worse, it's illegal to recycle asbestos materials for reuse. Most governments throughout the world banned the use of asbestos materials because they produce microscopic fibres that are harmful to humans. After inhalation, the fibres get attached to the respiratory system and end up causing severe health conditions like asbestosis, mesothelioma or lung cancer.

Currently, there are stringent rules regarding the removal and disposal of asbestos. You should hire licensed asbestos professionals to inspect, remove and dispose of the materials if you have asbestos in your building.

Paints, fuel or solvents

If you are cleaning up your home or garage and come across fuel, solvents or paint, you should never dump them in a skip bin. These materials might be useful, but they contain destructive chemicals that can lead to chemical burns. The best option is to bring the items to a licensed disposal centre. If you don't know any, you can talk to your local council to get some recommendations.

Contact a provider of skip bins to learn more.
